Welcome to Simple Gaijin Japanese Language Services, the place to learn Japanese in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. My name is Mike Viscusi, owner and head Japanese teacher.
As a child of the '90s and the early 2000s, my earliest memories of Japan and Japanese were (obviously) through anime, manga, and video games. I officially started my "Japanese Journey" back in January 2008, which took me to the classrooms of the University of North Texas and Kansai Gaidai University near Osaka, two years as an English teacher in the Hokkaido wilderness and the Chiba Prefecture suburbs, and three years in the Japanese automotive industry doing different jobs as an interpreter-translator, field engineer, and sales representative. In addition to my rich academic and work history, I also married into Japanese culture on October 25th, 2023, with my wife, Ayaka.
Japan has played a huge part in my life, and I started learning Japanese during a time when learning Japanese was seen as "strange." Growing up, I had to keep my interests in Japan a secret. But now that Japan and its culture have become a lot more mainstream around the world, it's my duty as a Japanese teacher to make sure that no student struggles in silence like I did.
What separates me from other regular native Japanese teachers is that I am able to explain Japanese vocabulary, grammar, and cultural points with greater detail than the average Japanese native. I can explain them in a way for any Gaijin (non-Japanese) to understand quickly and easily. This is why I have been able to have much repeat business with students. Most of my students have stayed with me longer than a year, and they continue to get better every class they take with me.
Don't believe me? Try a free lesson with me, and see what I can do for you
2010 - 2013
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
Bachelor of Arts
Major: International Studies
Areas of Expertise
Japanese Politics
Japanese History (1466 - 1615)
Japanese Economics
Chinese Politics
Modern Russia
Minor: Japanese
Honor Societies
Japanese National Honor Society (Spring 2012)
Kansai Gaikokugo Daigaku
Hirakata-shi, Osaka-fu, Japan
Study abroad for the fall 2012 semester. Engaged in research for the following subjects...
Kansai Dialect (関西弁)
Japanese History (1466 - 1615)
East Asian Geopolitics
2009 - Present
Dallas College (Formerly Dallas County Community College)
Dallas, Texas - Remote
Continuing education (gotta keep my mind young and fresh). Some classes taken include business, information technology, marketing, management / supervisory, and human resources
Japanese Language Proficiency Test
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Kanji Kentei
JLPT N2 (2024) - In Preparation - University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
JLPT N3 (2018) - Passed - Rice University (Houston, Texas)
Reattempt. Scored 40 points higher
JLPT N3 (2014) - Passed - Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
Original attempt. Barely passed
JLPT N4 (2013) - Passed - Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
ACTFL - Intermediate High (Oral Japanese)
ACTFL - Intermediate High (Written Japanese)
Level 9 - In Preparation (Carrolton, Texas)
Level 10 - Passed - 179/180 (Carrolton, Texas)
Work History
Simple Gaijin Japanese Services
July 5th, 2015 - Present
Remote Position
Provide online services in both teaching Japanese, providing consecutive interoperation, and private and/or technical Japanese translation services.
North Texas Provisions LLC
February 14th, 2023 - Present
Hybrid Position (NE Dallas - Remote)
Founded a small business that supplies and delivers bread, buns, breakfast toasts, rolls, and stuffings to 13 big box and grocery stores, along with 1 restaurant.
FedEx Express
2018 - 2023
Irving, Texas
Worked as a package handler, team leader, and courier. Selected for managerial training as well.
Johnan Americac, Inc
Bardstown, Kentucky
F&P America, Inc.
Troy, Ohio
F&P America, Inc.
Troy, Ohio
Shinohara - Matzka Press Services & Engineering Co
2016 - 2017
Dayton, Ohio
IB Japan (American Language School)
2014 - 2015
Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Village of Akkeshi Board of Education (via JET Program)
2013 - 2014
Akkeshi-mura, Hokkaido
Contact Information
I'm never without my phone or email. If you would like to learn more about what I do, send fan mail, or just want to shoot the breeze with me, please contact me at one of the following...
Work Phone: 214-892-3207